Saturday, April 19, 2014

Return of the Painted Bunting?

4/29/2014 -- Wabbaloo

The kids say they saw a painted bunting at our feeder today.  I wasn't able to get a picture, and didn't see it long enough to ID it.  Stay tuned...

Monday, April 14, 2014

Carolina Wren babies arrive

4/14/2014 - Wabbaloo

Looks like the 5 or 6 eggs in the nest that a pair of wrens built in one of our rosebush containers hatched yesterday or today. The kiddies actually discovered them this afternoon after pre-school, so what a momentous discovery for them.

Picture attached, which is actually a snapshot from the 90-second video my wife took with her Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS7. This is a _great_ camera! Has 12x optical zoom, lots of settings.  The second picture is a pic of one of the wrens.